By Jordan Federer
Photo: Vincent van Zeijst |
In early October, John Kerry publicly called for a
war crimes investigation into the bombings in Aleppo by both the Russian and Syrian
governments, suggesting that the United States and other Security Council
members should refer these actions to the International Criminal Court (ICC).
Kerry’s comments, however, remind us of the irony of the United States’
position with respect to the ICC’s enabling piece of legislation, namely the
Rome Statute – a document the United States helped negotiate and recognizes as
customary international law but has yet to ratify itself. As a result of today’s
unique political and legal considerations, now may be as good a time as ever
for the United States to finally match its actions to its words and become a
party to the Rome Statute.
Political Considerations
The present political climate
may provide sufficient justification to ratify the Rome Statute. Congress recently
overrode President Obama’s veto to enact the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA), which carves out an additional exception to the Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act (FSIA).
While Congress’ legislative purpose in passing JASTA was
well-intentioned (allowing 9/11 victims’ families to sue Saudi Arabia in U.S. federal
court), President Obama and legal experts have widely
condemned the bill for its international ramifications. Specifically, because
the protections granted under foreign sovereign immunity are rooted in international
reciprocity, critics warn that the bill might cause Saudi Arabia and other
states to adopt similar pieces of legislation. Such legislation would expose
the United States to greater legal action in foreign jurisdictions, which is
particularly problematic since the United States is
one of the primary beneficiaries of foreign sovereign immunity.
To mitigate increased exposure to international litigation,
the United States should consider ratifying the Rome Statute. Becoming a party
to the ICC can send a strong signal to the international community that the United
States is still committed to developing strong diplomatic relationships with
foreign governments despite the potentially detrimental effects of JASTA. Ratification
would likely be seen as an act of good faith and prevent further political
alienation of the United States internationally (which
could be exacerbated by the results of the election). Furthermore,
ratification of the Rome Statute would put political pressure on Russia to
follow suit, as it has not yet adopted the Rome Statute either. Considering the
particularly challenging political environment in which the U.S. State
Department is currently operating, the United States can use its ratification
of the Rome Statute as both leverage in political negotiations in the Middle
East and as a tool to blunt the potentially damaging effects JASTA.
Legal Considerations
First, the ICC is a court of limited jurisdiction. Pursuant
to the Rome Statute, the ICC has complementary jurisdiction, meaning only if a
state is genuinely unwilling or unable to adjudicate the claim appropriately
will the ICC hear the case. Thus, even if the United States is overexposed to
litigation for claims brought by other states to the ICC, the Court will only
adjudicate the case if the United States is unwilling or unable to investigate
– a reasonably high bar to hurdle. Therefore, the practical legal effect of the
U.S. ratification would be minimal.
Second, the United States already accepts the contents of
the Rome Statute (i.e. genocide, crimes against humanity, etc.) as binding
through the notion of customary
international law. Although not self-executing under the U.S. Constitution,
customary international law is given great deference in domestic courts through
the “Charming Betsy canon,” which states courts will interpret statutes so as
to avoid conflict with customary international law. As a result, the final
ratification of the Rome Statute, the negotiations of which the United States was
actively involved, would not reflect
any material change in legal substance.
Third, critics cite the lack of participation by three
Security Council members (China, Russia, and the United States) as one of the
main reasons for the ICC’s shortcoming as an effective legal forum. The Rome
Statute allows Security Council members to refer states to the ICC, but they
avoid litigation themselves by exercising their right to veto Security Council
decisions and declining to become parties to the Rome Statute. Therefore, if
the United States is truly an advocate of human rights (as its rhetoric suggests), ratifying
the Rome Statute superpower would be a significant step towards granting the
ICC the legitimacy it desperately needs.
A valid counterargument to the United States’ ratification
of the Rome Statute is that it may expose the U.S. government to global, politicized
lawsuits (particularly from Russia or the Middle East) considering its unique
position in international matters. However, the ICC is a court of complementary
jurisdiction, so more claims against
the United States will not necessarily translate into a greater number of adjudicated cases under the ICC’s narrow
jurisdiction. Additionally, the ICC does not have a track record of effectively
enforcing its decisions. Enforcement
has largely been left to political rather than legal measures (i.e.
international sanctions and U.N. resolutions). As a result, even if the ICC
entered a judgment against the United States., the risk of being the subject of
an enforced decision is somewhat low.
Given the recent passing of JASTA against the backdrop of the
aforementioned legal justifications, John Kerry should seriously consider
whether the opportunity for the United States to join the ICC is finally ripe.
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