Treasury, Chasing Hezbollah, Sanctions Individuals in Nigeria

By Stephen Levy

As part of an ongoing effort to target the Lebanese political and militant group Hezbollah, the Treasury Department listed three individuals in Nigeria as affiliates to the group on February 26th.  The men, Mustapha Fawaz, Fouzi Fawaz, and Abdallah Tahini, are claimed to have been members of a Hezbollah terrorist unit in Nigeria. The U.S. claims they collected donations, recruited new members, and stored weapons for Hezbollah, and used their businesses to keep tabs on foreign nationals in Nigeria. Nigerian authorities had previously arrested Tahini, and have an outstanding arrest for Fouzi Fawaz. No attacks have been tied to the group, but it is likely that with Boko Haram’s activities in northern Nigeria, Nigerian and U.S. authorities are wary of any activity by the group.


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