By Craig Tarasoff
The 2022 World Cup is scheduled to be played in Qatar, but conditions underlying the necessary construction have been problematic to say the least. Migrant workers from Nepal, Sri Lanka, India, and Bangladesh are being paid low sums to perform incredibly dangerous work. They are not even able to go home without their employer’s permission. According to the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), when the project is finished, an estimated 4,000 workers will have died the extreme working conditions. The ITUC has implored the British subcontractor responsible for parts of the construction that it is not enough to simply abide by the employee safety standards of Qatar's laws. Contractors have received over £200 billion in construction contracts in Qatar, and 790,000 petitioners have called upon these companies and the Qatari government to give basic rights to these workers. Read more about this situation at Independent.
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