By Justin Kirschner
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
released its semiannual Economic Outlook, and
the numbers are not pretty. It predicts that global trade in 2015 will grow at
just 2%, a level that in the past has consistently
coincided with a world economic slowdown. The OECD says the paltry trade
numbers are due at least in part to shifts in emerging market economies, particularly
China’s move away from manufacturing and infrastructure investment towards
consumption and services. Indeed, China’s
most recent trade numbers bear this out: exports fell 6.9% and imports fell
18.8% just in October. That, in turn, has sent commodity prices plummeting, hurting
exporters such as Australia, Brazil, Canada and Russia. In presenting these
new numbers, OECD Secretary General Angel Gurría put the onus squarely on the
G-20, calling on it to address global trade and growth at its upcoming meeting
in Antayla, Turkey. Among other specific
actions, Gurria
urged governments to roll-back protectionism and adjust public spending
towards investment in an effort to support short-term demand.
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