By Joost Pauwelyn*
On November 12, 2015, the EU released its final proposal for an Investment Court System (ICS) to
be set up under the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP),
currently under negotiation between the EU and the US.
![]() |
Michael Froman, United States Trade Representative |
As compared to the
investment chapter in the recently concluded Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP),
to which the US and another 11 countries, but not the EU, are a party, the ICS
includes two major innovations: (i) a standing tribunal with fifteen “publicly
appointed judges” rather than ad hoc, party-appointed arbitrators, (ii) an
appellate mechanism.
In reactions to an
earlier version of the EU’s ICS proposal, US Trade Representative Michael Froman
was reported
of the EU proposal”, for two reasons: first, recent investment deals such as
TPP already include sufficient safeguards allowing countries the “right to
regulate”; second, why should companies get “a second bite of the apple” before
an appellate tribunal?
The negative public
perception of “old-style” investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) in and
beyond Europe is not limited to substantive disciplines. A major part relates to who is deciding the disputes.
Confirming the substantive “right to regulate” can therefore not solve
the problem. An appellate tribunal would,
indeed, give “a second bite of the apple” to both investors and host states, but so does the current
ISDS system, to different extents, be it in the form of an annulment proceeding
for cases before the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes
(ICSID) or set aside proceedings before domestic courts in non-ICSID
disputes. The idea of an appellate mechanism
– which, in the EU proposal, would replace,
not complement, ICSID annulment and domestic side aside proceedings (Article
30:1) -- is also supported, albeit not actually implemented, in the US model
bilateral investment treaty (2012) as well as TPP.
Who Decides Matters
In a recent
study, I
compared the pool of adjudicators in ICSID investment disputes to that in World
Trade Organization (WTO) trade disputes. The differences are striking. WTO
panelists tend to be relatively low-key diplomats from developing countries,
with a governmental background, often without a law degree or legal expertise,
whereas ICSID arbitrators are likely high-powered, elite private lawyers or
legal academics from Western Europe or the United States. In addition, the pool
of ICSID arbitrators is an ideologically polarized, closed network with a very
small number of individuals attracting most nominations, whereas the universe
of WTO panelists is ideologically more homogeneous, with a relatively low
reappointment or experience rate and nominations more evenly distributed. Of
the 396 individuals who were ICSID arbitrators and 251 appointed as WTO
panelists, only 9 overlap.
One of my conclusions is
that WTO dispute settlement has been relatively successful not despite it
being run by relatively inexperienced trade diplomats appointed by mutual
agreement but because it is so run.
Conversely, ISDS is under fire not despite it being run by highly
specialized and experienced lawyers part of a closed, elite network but because
it is so run.
Public disputes decided by private
that dispute settlement under both trade and investment agreements scrutinizes predominantly
public laws and regulations as potential breach of treaty commitments (not
commercial matters under private or state contracts), it makes sense to bring
the historically more private, commercial system of ISDS closer to the more
public, treaty-based WTO dispute settlement system (even if the latter is far
from perfect and needs its own, less drastic, reform).
EU’s ICS proposal does exactly that, without eliminating the right of private
action for foreign investors (there is no private standing in the WTO, which is
state-to-state only).
the EU proposal does away with party-appointed “private judges” which has led
to the polarization described above (with one group of arbitrators consistently
appointed by investors, another by host states), in favor of tribunal members
appointed by mutual agreement (as in the WTO) for a six-year period, renewable
once, with three judges randomly selected to serve on a specific case (both in
first instance and on appeal). ICS
members must also “refrain from acting as counsel or as party-appointed expert
or witness in any pending or new investment protection dispute” (Article 11), a
common occurrence today in ISDS. Granted,
this takes away the right of private investors to appoint “their own arbitrator”
in a given dispute. But EU and US
governments, when appointing first instance and appeal tribunal members, know
that in some cases they will be defendant, in other disputes siding with
claimants. They can, therefore, be
expected to appoint neutral, rather than outspoken pro-investor or pro-state
the ICS’s appeals mechanism is modeled on the WTO Appellate Body. It will enhance the legal correctness,
consistency and predictability of investment rules and awards, without necessarily
lengthening the proceedings or adding costs for investors. Indeed, the EU proposal includes time limits
(so far unheard of in ISDS disputes) for both first instance (18 months) and
appeal (6 months) tribunals, reducing the expected total length of proceedings
from an average of 6 to 3 years. In
terms of costs, EU and US governments, not investors, would pay the remuneration
of first instance and appeal members as well as the cost of secretariat support
to the tribunals. Investors would have
to pay for legal representation but if they win, it would be for the host state
to bear that cost according to the loser-pays principle.
Incremental change is good
the ICS proposal would be limited, at first, to EU-US relations under TTIP is a
plus, not, as critics claim, a fatal blow to the proposal. The ICS proposal will need to go through a
testing period. In a bilateral such as TTIP (contrary to the WTO where
adjustments require agreement of 161 countries) problems and mistakes can be
readily addressed. And once the ICS is tried, tested, and corrected, it can be (gradually)
multilateralized, an option explicitly foreseen in the EU proposal (Article
12). Such multilateralization can then also diversify the nationality of first
instance and appeal tribunal members (currently, 1/3 EU, 1/3 US and 1/3 third-country
EU ICS proposal is not a silver bullet that, in one move, will address all concerns
linked to ISDS. Today’s
system of international law emerged organically out
of small, incremental and often accidental steps. Unlike the WTO, it operates
as a largely self-organizing, decentralized system made up of many interacting
players, treaties and components. In such a regime, relatively small tweaks or
adaptations, such as the ICS limited at first to TTIP, may have major
repercussions. At the same time, if the ICS “mutation” does not stand the test
of trial and error, it can be adapted, even discarded, not unlike how some
species survive evolutionary biology, others don’t.
Saving the private right of action for
survive in the long run, ISDS needs broad, public support. This, in turn, requires reform including
making ISDS available to SME investors (another key feature of the EU’s ICS
proposal, see Articles 3 and 4 on Mediation and Consultations, Article 9.9 on
Sole Judges and Article 28.5 on maximum costs to be borne by unsuccessful SME
claimants). The choice, today, is not
between the EU ICS proposal and the status quo (or, even less so, a perfectly
streamlined multilateral investment court).
It is between something akin to the EU proposal and a slow decline of
ISDS in favor of SSDS (state-to-state dispute settlement) or, at least, a major
limitation of ISDS to some types of disputes/countries only.
make things palatable to a US audience, the EU should strip its proposal of any
reference to “judges”, “tribunals” and “court” and instead refer to “members”, “panels”
and “body” (e.g. “investor-state dispute settlement” with “panels” and an
“appellate body” with six “members”), a linguistic nuance that cannot be
underestimated and continues to be important in the WTO. The US, in turn, should carefully examine the
EU proposal for what it is: Not a step back for investors, but a balanced
reform worth testing that may well be the safest bet to ensure the long term
survival of the private right of action for foreign investors against host
*Professor of Law, Graduate Institute, Geneva, and Georgetown Law Center, Washington, D.C.
*Professor of Law, Graduate Institute, Geneva, and Georgetown Law Center, Washington, D.C.
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