By Rick Mendenhall
Picture a bank heist. $45 million stolen. No guns. No alarms. No masks.
Just secret meetings between international criminal cells, suitcases stuffed
with hundreds of thousands in cash, and an international investigation
encompassing law enforcement authorities in the U.S., Japan, Canada, Germany
and Romania.
Throw in Bruce Willis, set it on Christmas day, and this sounds like
Die-Hard 7.
Alas, no yippe ki yay was
uttered, and this heist was very real. Armed
only with debit cards and an internet connection, three men plus an unknown
number of international co-conspirators ripped off forty-five million from both
domestic and foreign banks. The DOJ, however, with the assistance of sixteen
countries, swiftly apprehended the cyber-criminals, and a federal judge just
entered a sentence against them.
This type of international cyber-crime, while splashy now, may be the
norm of tomorrow. Please join Georgetown University Law Center Thursday
December 4th for a symposium
entitled Cybercrime 2020: the Future of Online Crime and Investigations. Speakers
will undoubtedly tackle both domestic and international legal issues.
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