By Rick Mendenhall
the 1980s, a bloody civil war between El Salvador’s military government and
leftist rebels razed the tiny nation. Both sides committed massive human rights
abuses. Soldiers massacred
women and children in hamlets, and death squads targeted
religious figures for assassination. The carnage is well known, but less well
known is that Florida harbored
two Salvadoran generals suspected of gross human rights violations. Recently,
however, based on a trove of evidence that these generals ordered extrajudicial
killings, an immigration court in Florida has ordered the generals’ extradition
back to El Salvador (subject to an appeal). For the full immigration decisions click
and here.
human rights abuses might end with extradition, but this might be little consolation
to the Salvadoran families harmed a quarter century ago. This coming Friday (December
4th) through Sunday (December 6th), American University
is hosting the Fifth
International Human Rights Education conference. Please join them as speakers
from over forty nations will be in attendance.
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