ITC Votes to Proceed in Case Against Uncoated Paper Imports

By Craig Tarasoff

The United Steelworkers (USW) and four domestic paper companies have filed suit against Australia, Brazil, China, Indonesia, and Portugal for importing underpriced uncoated paper. The union filed anti-dumping petitions against the foreign importers, alleging that the imports were materially injuring or threatening injury to the domestic industry, citing the most recent loss of 2,500 jobs. Anti-dumping suits arise when foreign suppliers export materials at artificial costs far below those that can be produced domestically. In the first three quarters of 2014, imports from the five named countries accounted for 21% of US consumption. The petition seeks to impose a duty on these imports to counteract the illegal dumping of product into the United States. The decision to move forward with the case is an important step to promote fair trade.  More information can be found at the USW website.


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