U.S. Senate Votes to Ensure Sanctions Should Nuclear Deal Fails

By Stephen Levy

The U.S. Senate voted 100-0 on March 26th for a bill amendment to ensure sanctions could be applied to Iran should the country violate any upcoming agreement. The vote represented a rare moment of unanimity after weeks of divisive rhetoric on the talks with Iran. The amendment, attached to the Senate’s budget bill, was written by Senator Mark Kirk (R-IL), and would set aside the money needed to impose sanctions if Iran failed to comply with the ongoing Joint Plan or a future permanent agreement with the P5+1. The amendment was non-binding, and the budget passed by the Senate serves as a guide rather than a requirement. However, the bill might indicate support for future Congressional action against Iran, should the P5+1 fail to reach an agreement with Iran, or Congress prove skeptical about the provisions designed to ensure Iran complies.


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