By Megan Abbot
Honduras has held the title for Murder Capital of the World for
the last several years running, but new data suggests that from 2014 to 2015
the murder rate has dropped about 30%, from 84 to 60 per 100,000 people. What
is behind the high rates of murder across Central American countries? What is behind such a significant decrease?
The answer is unclear.
Some point to intentional manipulation of the numbers. Others
to discrepancies in record-keeping. The Honduran government may point to mano dura or (“iron fist”) policing
techniques. But crediting hardline
policing is risky.
Gangs are a big driver of the violence in Central America, which
has been increasingly hitting the news and
driving the migrant crisis. There is broad
consensus that the gang
phenomenon in Central America started in the U.S., as Central American
refugees, especially Salvadorans, fleeing armed conflict in their home became
integrated into the Los Angeles gang scene, and many of these Central American
native gang members spent time in U.S. prisons.
When the U.S. changed its immigration regulations in 1996, many of these
gang members were deported, which accelerated the growth of gangs across the
Northern Triangle countries (El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras)
have all implemented some sort of mano
dura policy over the last ten years in the face of gang violence. The current Honduran president, Juan Orlando
Hernández, was elected on a platform promising a recommitment to mano
dura by expanding the military police.
Whether or not mano dura is
behind the decreasing murder rate, Honduras should be careful of the long-term
effects of hardline approaches to gang-control and consider applying the
lessons its neighbors have learned.
In El Salvador, mano dura
policing has been credited with strengthening
the gangs. In the early 2000s, police had a
mandate to arrest and detain anyone that they suspected of being a gang member,
and as a result arrested large swaths of the youth population. These techniques caused backlash, increased
gang recruitment, and turned parts of the public against police. El Salvador dealt with its swelling prison
population by segregating the inmates based on gang affiliation, which enabled
the gangs to strengthen their coordination and operations. Overall, mano
dura made El Salvador’s gang problems worse.
In Nicaragua, on the other hand, gang violence has barely become
a national issue. Although there
are local gangs, transnational gangs such as MS-13 and M-18 have not taken root. Nicaraguan police take a much softer stance on youth engagement, and interact closely with the population. Nicaragua is not a Northern Triangle country, but
it shares a border with Honduras; the fact that gangs have not overwhelmed
Nicaragua is noteworthy.
has its own unique history, and Nicaragua’s soft-line approach might not work
for a country that is already embroiled in gang violence. However, if mano dura is driving the murder reduction, Honduran policymakers
should pay close attention to the potentially detrimental long-term
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