William Stroupe
Until recently, Poland had long been the unanticipated great
post-Soviet success story. Though
Hungary was the popular candidate for post-Soviet stardom, it was Poland that quickly transitioned into a market democracy. It has since been the
golden child of the European project. The country is often cited as the best
evidence that a totalitarian, centrally-planned, middle-income state can
transform into a wealthy, liberal democracy. That reputation is now in
In 2015, the right-of-center Law and Justice (PiS) party won the
Presidency and an absolute majority in both Sejm
and Senate (the lower and upper houses of parliament respectively).
The wave of popular support for right-leaning parties’ anti-immigrant, nativist
stances came in the wake of a worsening refugee crisis which exacerbated frustration
with EU gridlock. The first absolute majority in both houses of Parliament
since Polish independence more than two decades ago was seen as a test of Poland’s
young but vibrant democracy.
It is failing. Shortly after being elected, the PiS
government legislated strict controls on the media and “reforms” to the Supreme
Court of Poland. The Constitutional Court struck down those reforms on March 9.
The most
contentious measure raised the necessary number of judges needed to
support a ruling from 9—a simple majority—to 13 of the 15-member court in
certain cases which could result in the overturning of parliamentary
legislation. In overturning the new law, the Supreme Court noted that Article
190 the Polish Constitution expressly requires only a simple majority.
Nevertheless, the PiS government has declared its intention
both to ignore the ruling and to refuse to publish it. The ruling is not
binding without publication, although the First President (chief judge) of the Court declared the judgment binding upon publication to the courtroom. The
government claims that the Supreme Court’s decision—which reflects a position
also held by the Polish Bar Association (NRA)—was itself unconstitutional. This is because the Court
did not follow the newly instituted rules. Yes, the ones under
review for constitutionality: the ruling was a 12-3 decision.
As the crisis deepens, the European Union is increasingly
likely to get involved. Article
7 of the Treaty on European Union allows for sanctions on
countries that violate rule of law norms. Poland could be stripped of its
voting representation in the Council, depriving it of a role in making the EU
law to which it must conform. The Venice Commission, a body of legal experts
under the Council of Europe and human rights watchdog, recently released a highly
critical report on the Polish government’s actions. It will be
relied upon heavily as the Council investigates the matter.
Poland is unlikely to be sanctioned. Article 7 sanctions
require unanimity, and Hungary’s far-right President, Viktor Orban, has
declared that his
country will not support the measure. Orban has previously declared
his intention
for Hungary to become an “illiberal” state, and has been the
subject of much criticism for his extreme nationalist party’s aggressive moves
to undermine democracy and the free press. This closes off the only clear
avenue for EU rule of law enforcement: due to Article 7’s vagueness, there is
no clearly defined violation of EU law upon which to pursue financial sanctions
against the Polish government in the ECJ.
The Polish people are justifiably proud of the success of
their governmental system despite a widespread belief upon independence that
Hungary had the best shot at developing into a stable, wealthy market
democracy. Hungary had a longer history of agitation for independence, a
subterranean political system less thoroughly dominated by the USSR, and a higher
level of economic development. It did see halting improvements but became mired
in hard-right nationalism and illiberal economic and political interventionism,
and now has a lower per capita GDP than its previously much poorer neighbor.
Meanwhile, through the 1989 Balcerowicz Plan and subsequent reforms, Poland
successfully privatized most state-owned firms, rapidly liberalized its
regulatory regime, and opened itself to foreign direct investment. It also
developed a set of stable, democratic institutions that incorporated strong
checks and balances and ensconced them in the 1997 Constitution. In 1999,
Poland joined NATO—of which it has been an enthusiastically contributing member
since—and the European Union in 2004. The country’s GDP has nearly quadrupled
since 1990, its per capita GDP has more than doubled, and unemployment remains
low by European standards. Indeed, it is one of the few European economies to
have grown substantially since the financial crisis.
As the Soviet Union dissolved, it was once hoped that
Hungary would show the way toward liberal democracy for other post-Soviet
states like Poland. It was later hoped that Polish success would show the way
for countries like Hungary. Now it seems both are intent on assisting the other
to dismantle decades of progress on democracy, human rights, and growth. Polish
independence leader, former President, and Nobel Laureate Lech Walesa recently declared that
the government’s actions risk civil war. On March 12, over 50,000
marched in Warsaw to protest the government and to demand that it
respect the ruling of the Supreme Court. There is still time for the government
to change course and respect the constitution, the people, and hard-won
democratic norms. In the meantime, the EU would do well to
consider treaty change to expand its toolbox to prevent states from failing to
live up to the EU’s most central principle: rule of law.
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